LPC meeting summary 09-10-2023 - final

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Minutes and Summary

Main purpose of the meeting: Current status of the ion run


Filip (Introduction)

Slide 3: 

Slide 5:


Silvia asked a question about cryo. Jorg commented that currently point 2 is in non-economy mode. However the rest is still in economy mode, which means we are currently exposed to long cryo recovery time. Possibly, the whole machine could be put back in non-economy mode, in a way that loses the least amount of time (maybe in the shadow of an access or another stop). 


Jorg also commented that they got some feedback from QPS regarding the quench: SEUs are actually on two different locations. It is also noted that some of the boards in the region are not as rad-hard as in ATLAS/CMS


Sarah (ALICE)

Slide 8: some discussions went on the actual value of luminosity, between online display and Massi’s files.


Niels (LHCb)

Slide 1: luminosity value will likely be adjusted. 


Silvia (ALICE)

Slide 2: tolerance on ZDC is based on the total integrated dose for the full Run3.


Gianni (CMS)

Slide 2: not mentioned in the slide, but also CMS disfavors any pp reference data taking this year.


AoB: Next LPC meeting on Monday 16th October next week.