Minutes and Summary
Main purpose of the meeting:
Experimental requests for the beam commissioning period and the ramp-up
Minutes LPC meeting 20.06.2022
1) Introduction (Brian)
RP alignment tentatively scheduled on Thursday morning.
Expect beta* leveling during every fill after July 5th.
slide 7: Note that 48 bunches filling scheme requires 4 bunches per injection, need to pre-warn the injectors.
2) Round table
ATLAS (Joerg)
Planned Beam based alignment at which beta* values?
Proposal from TOTEM-PPS: alignment at 60, take calibration data at 60, go down to 30, take calibration data at 30.
Beam background measurements during loss maps.
Can ALFA be included (few mm inserted) in loss maps?
To be discussed offline.
CMS (Andrea)
PU profile plot on slide 2. Still low because of indiv bunches with emittance ~ 2 um.
ALICE (Federico)
More SB always welcome :-)
LHCb (Federico)
Would like another full emittance scan (~70m) during the next SB period.
SMOG: still under control of vacuum group. Mailing list set up for coordination.
Q from JW: yesterday LHCb could not provide lumi measure outside of SB? Why
A: temporary issue when expert is not around. Will change soon.