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LPC meeting summary 10-07-2017 - final |
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Main purpose of the meeting: LPC present the current status. A test to continuously reduce the crossing angle during a fill is presented (motivation and proposed implementation).
Christoph presented the current status and issues. Related to the roman pots:
As previously discussed the VdM scans are scheduled directly after MD2 on 26/27 July. The first fill will be for LHCb/ALICE (after the meeting it was decided that LHCb would scan first), and the second fill for ATLAS/CMS (the order of these interleaved scans has not been decided yet). The filling schemes to be used for the scans are still being discussed to try to incorporate a request from ALICE to have more colliding bunches in the ATLAS/CMS scan (providing this can be added without compromising the VDM programme and the LHCb SMOG data taking that will occur in that fill).
The re-validation of the machine and the CT-PPS calibration data taking at intermediate crossing angles happened over the weekend. The validation was done to a lower crossing angle of 90µrad which can give more flexibility for tests and possible physics running. The ramp-up should start this evening with the programme discussed in the previous LPC meeting. The LHCb magnet polarity has been changed during TS1 which means that the bunch length levelling used in 2016 will be run (increasing the bunch length from ~0.95ns -> 1.1ns after ~8hrs of running). There will be an RF cogging correction to re-centre the longitudinal position of the luminous regions in the experiments (this is currently shifted by ~7mm).
Greg Rakness asked what the pileup in the ATLAS/CMS VdM scan will be when the beams are head on, and Witold Kozanecki replied that it should be ~0.5.
After the meeting Niels Tuning reported that ALICE and LHCb agreed that LCHb will be the first experiment to do the VdM scan followed by ALICE. Already in the last LPC meeting it was decided that the ATLAS/CMS scans will be performed after the ALICE/LHCb scans.
Michi presented a proposed test to continuously reduce the crossing angle (in IP1/5) during a fill to follow the evolution of the dynamic aperture with reduced intensity. The motivation is to see how much luminosity could be gained from such an approach compared to the 3 discrete 10µrad steps (half crossing angle changed of 150->140, 140->130, 130->120) used currently. Michi proposed that the changes would be implemented as a 1µrad reduction every 12mins for the first 4 hours of the fill and then every 25mins for the rest of the fill (to not go below 120µrad). He showed a demonstration of this using the lumi server tool, in simulation mode, and highlighted that although this would be done manually by the shifter for this test, the limits would be respected by the tool. There followed various discussions on this, the main points being: