Configurations for Special Runs / VdM in 2024

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The planning on this page reflects the best current knowledge and will be regularly updated and changed accordingly. Please consider this when using these parameters for any estimate. In case of doubts do not hesitate to contact the LPC.


van der Meer scan program

Step Duration Experiments activities Remarks
Scans IP1/5 - VdM optics

(plus overhead)

0h30 : head-on head-on head-on, SMOG ON ZDC in, +/+, no automatic leveling during the scans
3h30 : ATLAS VdM part 1   ghost-charge
head-on 5h00 : CMS VdM part 1
3h45 : ATLAS VdM part 2  
head-on 5h00 : CMS VdM part 2
1h00 : X-angle scan (0 & +160 urad only)  


Filling Scheme:

Part 1 and 2 scans should ideally happen in the same fill. If beams are dump during a scan will need to repeat at least that full part

LHCb VELO Ghost charge measurements throughout the full program, if possible. Alternatively, at least at the beginning of parts 1 and 2.

Length Scale Calibration - VdM optics

(plus overhead)

4h40 : ATLAS LSC head-on head-on no automatic leveling during scans
head-on 3h00 : CMS LSC


Filling Scheme:

Can happen in the same fill as the previous one, if the beams are still good. If the fill is dumped, it will be incorporated in the Scans IP2/8 below.

Scans IP2/8 - VdM optics

(plus overhead)

head-on head-on 1h50 : LHCb part 1 (SMOG-less + VELO fully closed) no automatic leveling during scans
1h40 : LHCb part 2 (SMOG-less + VELO open)
2h40 : LHCb part 3 (SMOG + VELO open + LSC)
ghost-charge 1h30 : ALICE part 1 (scan)
1h30 : ALICE part 2 (LSC)
1h00 : ALICE part 3 (scan with offset)


Filling Scheme:

Scans should ideally happen in the same fill. If beams are dumped during a scan will need to repeat at least that full part

LHCb VELO Ghost charge measurements throughout ALICE scan, if possible.

Calibration Transfer fill with indivs ("CT-indivs") - physics optics

(plus overhead)

2h   : immediate beam separation to µ=0.5 after optimisation. NO AFP insertion head-on head-on no automatic leveling during scans
0.5h: maximal beam separation
1h   : µ-scan
10min: maximal beam separation
15min: ß* levelling to 40-50 cm for maximum pile-up
1h   : µ-scan
2h   : head-on 1h   : µ-scan

Filling Scheme:
ß* levelling to target (40-50cm) only after first µ scan at 120cm. ATLAS ok to go up to pileup 68-70.
Calibration Transfer fill with trains+indivs ("CT-trains") - physics optics >12h
15 min: µ-scan setup (separate immediately in IP1 to 3.5 sigma). AFP insertion. head-on Physics Physics
2h: ATLAS µ-scan head-on
head-on 2h: CMS µ-scan
30 min: Extended emittance scan 30 min: Extended emittance scan
Long decay of µ (remaining part of fill) Physics

Filling Scheme:
ATLAS ok to go up to pileup 65.


van-der Meer scan parameters (TO BE CONFIRMED)

Beam parameters for Calibration Transfer fill

Items Remarks
Filling Scheme 525ns_140b_140_75_16_8bpi_19inj_800ns_bs525ns
Bunch Spacing 525 ns (minimal)
Injections up to 2 batches of 4 bunches
Emittance in Stable Beams as during physics fills
Intensity in Stable Beams around 1.4x1011 ppb
Brightness (bunch intensity / emittance) as during physics fills


Beam parameters for scans in IP1 and IP5

Items Remarks
Filling Scheme 525ns_138b_136_35_16_8bpi_19inj_800ns_bs525ns
Bunch Spacing 525 ns (minimal)
Injections up to 2 batches of 4 bunches
Emittance in Stable Beams 3µm -- tolerable variations: 2.5µm to 3.5µm; some spread O(20%-30%) is welcome
Intensity in Stable Beams 0.8x1011 ppb  --  tolerable variations: 0.7x1011 ppb to 0.9x1011 ppb;  some spread O(20%-30%) is welcome
Profiles Preparation for VdM : Gaussian profiles which factorise the beam wrt H and V planes
Injection Optics With crossing angle to not have problems with LR interactions when beams are large at injection


Beam parameters for Scans in IP2 and IP8 (optics applies to also scans in IP1/5)

Items Remarks
Filling Scheme Multi_72b_60_20_22_4bpi_20inj_1000ns_bs1000ns
Bunch Spacing 1000 ns (minimal)
Injections up to 4 batches of 1 bunch ("traditional" VdM schemes)
Emittance in Stable Beams 3µm for LHCb;  >3µm for ALICE (second in scan programme)
Intensity in Stable Beams 0.7x1011  - 0.9x1011 ppb in LHCb
0.4x1011  - 0.9x1011 ppb in ALICE (ALICE is second in the scan programme)
Profiles Preparation for VdM : Gaussian profiles which factorise the beam wrt H and V planes
IP8 beta* 24m
IP8 Dipole polarity Down, +
IP8 external half crossing angle  -300 µrad; internal half crossing angle : -138 µrad --> effective half crossing angle at IP: -438 µrad.
IP2 beta* 19m
IP2 polarities + / + (Dipole and L3 magnet)
IP2 internal crossing angle -72µrad
IP2 external crossing angle 145 µrad
IP2 effective crossing angle +73µrad which is ok for using the ZDC
IP2 special request TDIs fully open, BRANs retracted
Injection Optics With crossing angle to not have problems with LR interactions when beams are large at injection

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