Special runs 2017

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LPC: 79977


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Xenon pilot run run (done on 12/10/2017)

Tentative date: 12/Oct/2017 (to be confirmed)

Item Remarks
Particles 129Xe54+
sNN 5.44 TeV
safe beam limit ~3x1011 charges; possibly large spread in intensities.
length of Stable Beams ~8 hours
β*  in IP1&5 30cm
β* in IP 8 3m
β* in IP 2 10m
# bunches 20-30 depending on SPS performance
filling scheme candidates  -- see section below --
half crossing angle in IP 1&5 150 μrad
external crossing angle in IP 2 135 µrad (manually changed after ramp, squeeze and collide) (net angle 60 µrad because of ZDC)
polarity of ALICE dipole solenoid / dipole : positive / positive (gives negative internal angle at IP)
ALICE solenoid strength 12kA instead of the usual 30kA (dipole unchanged)
half external crossing angle in IP 8 -250 μrad (half net angle -395 µrad (horizontal))
polarity of LHCb dipole positive
peak lumi in IP1&5 4x1026cm-2s-1
peak hadronic event rate at IP1&5 ~2.1 kHz
peak pile-up in IP1&5 ~0.01
bunch length ~1.1ns (depends on injectors)
emittance (εN) ~1.9μm (depends on injectors)
approx. Intensity lifetime ~30h if no unexpected loss mechanism turns up. No reason to level IP1&5 but try to maximise collisions in ALICE.
hadronic cross section ~5.65b
Integrated Lumi at IP1&5 in 8h ~10μb
lumi in IP2&8 ~1μb (factor 10-30 less than IP1&5; dpends on intensity per bunch and filling scheme)
remarks Significant radiation damping expected (1.7 times faster than in pp): Lumi might increase during then fill.

Potential Filling Schemes

Currently the potential filling schemes are only entered in the LPC filling scheme editor.

Schemes have been designed to have some bunches at the end of the injection sequence which only collide in ALICE. These can be dropped (i.e. not filled) by the shift crew if they risk to go above the safe beam limit. The non-colliding bunches are also at the end of the scheme. The colliding bunches are equally distributed. But for CMS/ATLAS they only cover the first three quarters (as if there was a huge abort gap.) ATLAS needs to check if this is ok with the IBL veto.

The first pair of schemes is different only in the distance of the injection (the second having a smaller injection distance allowing for one more bunche which only collides in ALICE.) The same concept is valid for the second pair of schemes. The schemes in green (together with their variants in brackets) are the preferred schemes. The other two schemes have only been generated in case they are significantly better for the ATLAS IBL veto.

Schemes Remarks

[ Single_18b_8_12_8_1bpi_18inj_Xenon,
  Single_16b_8_8_8_1bpi_16inj_Xenon  ]

  • Configuration 4x[3b_2_2_2] in the first three quarters.
  • 3 bunches in Q4 which only collide in ALICE.
  • 4 non colliding bunches for loss maps (B1: Q3; B2: Q1).
  • The last 3 bunches can be omitted if the total intensity risks to exceed the limit (see the scheme-names in brackets).  

[ Single_19b_8_14_8_1bpi_19inj_Xenon,
  Single_16b_8_8_8_1bpi_16inj_Xenon ]

  • Configuration 4x[3b_2_2_2] in the first three quarters.
  • 4 bunches in Q4 which only collide in ALICE.
  • 4 non colliding bunches for loss maps (B1: Q3; B2: Q1).
  • The last 4 bunches can be omitted if the total intensity risks to exceed the limit (see the scheme-names in brackets).  

[ Single_14b_6_8_6_1bpi_14inj_Xenon,
  Single_13b_6_6_6_1bpi_13inj_Xenon ]

  • Configuration 3x[3b_2_2_2] in the first three quarters.
  • 2 bunches in Q4 which only collide in ALICE.
  • 4 non colliding bunches for loss maps (B1: Q3; B2: Q1).
  • The last 2 bunches can be omitted if the total intensity risks to exceed the limit (see the scheme-names in brackets).  

[ Single_15b_6_10_6_1bpi_15inj_Xenon,
  Single_13b_6_6_6_1bpi_13inj_Xenon ]

  • Configuration 3x[3b_2_2_2] in the first three quarters.
  • 3 bunches in Q4 which only collide in ALICE.
  • 4 non colliding bunches for loss maps (B1: Q3; B2: Q1).
  • The last 3 bunches can be omitted if the total intensity risks to exceed the limit (see the scheme-names in brackets).  




Calibration Transfer run (requested by ATLAS)

The entire fill length is estimated to be 3-4 hours in Stable beams. The programme foresees three activites:

  1. ATLAS scan programme
  2. CMS scan programme
  3. LHCb high μ test (15 min)

This fill should happen after a period with no beam or low intensity beams (at least 5 hours). It should be followed by a normal high intensity physics fill.

Item Remark
Filling scheme candidate Multi_525ns_140b_140_104_24_8bpi_19inj.csv
ALICE interested in ~100 collisions
something to be fixed in lumi server for them
Optics  nominal
ATLAS requests ~150b
1.75µm to 3µm (ideally ~2µm)
Intensity  1.2e11 (1.1e11 to 1.25e11)
Brilliance < 0.5e11 protons/μm
should happen after a time without beam (approx. 8h without beam)
CMS should not scan at the same time (Joerg)
LHCb Test of :high pilup" μ = 6 at the end of the fill



5 TeV pp reference run

This run is driven by the requirement of ALICE to get 870x106 min bias events at 1.5kHz readout rate which corresponds to 160 hours of Stable Beams. The requirements of ATLAS and CMS are 200 pb-1 integrated luminosity. 

pp collisions

The beam characteristics in the table refer to the beginning of Stable Beams. The simulation was taking into account intrabeam scattering and synchrontron radiation. The result of the simulation is the integrated luminosity in IP1/5 after 30 hours (thanks to Fanouria Antoniou for this work). 

Item Remarks
Energy (cms) 5.02 TeV
εN 2.5μm
β* IP1&5 3.1m (was 4m in 2015)
β* IP2 10m
IP8 Would like to run with µ=2
Ramp and Squeeze New PPLP ramp (faster start and end): Squeeze between 1TeV and 2.42TeV
Separation 2mm (as 2015)
emittance blow-up 0.05μm/h
bunch intensity 1.2x1011 protons per bunch
bunch length 1.1ns
# bunches used for simulation (see next row) 1500
integrated lumi at IP1/5 after 20h ~35pb-1
# bunches we will use for the run 1900
Peak Pileup (IP1&5) ~3
Peak Lumi (IP1&5) ~6.5 x 1032cm-2s-1 
required Stable Beams time 160 hours
ALICE lumi 1.7 x 1030cm-2s-1 levelled
Min. no of bunches to reach target ~800 bunches
Ramp up steps ~50b 2h (will be used for VdM scan: >> 2h) - ~500b 2.5h - 1200b 5h - full scheme 
half crossing angle (IP1&5) 170µrad
half crossing angle IP 2 internal and external add up in the same direction to avoid long range collisions optimally (effective at IP: 170µrad)
half crossing angle IP 8 internal and external add up in the same direction to avoid long range collisions optimally (effective at IP: 170µrad)
µ in IP8 1.5
Filling scheme candidate 25ns_1836b_1824_1744_1096_128bpi_16inj_800ns_bs200ns_8b4e_ALICErefrun
polarity in ALICE adequate for crossing angle schema
polarity in LHCb adequate for crossing angle schema

VdM run

The VdM scan should be scheduled in the first fill so that it counts as the first step in the necessary intensity ramp-up. 

Item Remarks
Filling scheme Multi_50b_22_22_22_4bpi12inj
length ~0.5 days
emittance 3.0µm to 3.5µm
intensity 0.7e11 to 0.8e11 ppb

gaussian beams for VdM
In addition non colliding bunches for BSRT wire scans
3 bunches 0.95e11 and 0.8µm and 3 bunches 1e11 and 1.5µm
Total intensity lower than wire scanner limit





Low energy high β* run

pp collisions

item remarks
Intensity 0.8e11 ppb
emittance 0.8 µm
Total Intensity limit  5.0e11
Number of colliding bunches ??? 5 ??? 
Non colliding bunches ALFA request: 1 in every fill
Energy per beam 450 GeV

VdM run

item remarks
desired intensity 1.3e11 ppb (range 1.2e11 to 1.4e11)
desired emittance 2.0 µm (range 1.5µm to 2.5µm)
No bunches O(150)
max Brilliance 0.66 ppb/µm
bunch spacing 525ns
injections 8 bunches per injection


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