LPC meeting summary 04-04-2016 - final

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Minutes and Summary

Main purpose of the meeting: Discussion of the commissioning period with first Stable Beams.

Introduction (Jamie Boyd)

Jamie summarised the upcoming commissioning steps relevant for the experiments. The first collisions are expected for the TCT alignment which will probably happen on Thursday the 7th or Friday the 8th of April. There will be 3 nominal bunches in the machine of which 2 collide in each experiment. Some additional non colliding probe bunches will be used during the alignment. It would be desirable that experiments deliver relative luminosity during this fill which will help to find collisions.

The previously discussed fill with Quiet Beams, in which experiments (ATLAS/CMS) should try to measure the position of the interaction point, is expected to happen early next week.

After the alignment of the Roman Pots TOTEM will get some time with collisions, as in previous years, to do some diagnostics of their detector and data acquisition system. It was discussed if AFP which will be included in the alignment procedure, also wants to have some collisions. Alessandro Cerri assumed that they will be interested but he will check with AFP experts explicitly. AFP will be ready for alignment around the 14th of April.

Jörg Wenninger mentioned that he received various versions for the bump in point 5, trying to help to increase the single pass dispersion in CTPPS. On Wednesday there will be a discussion on this topic in the LMC. If it will be decided to use a modified bump, this bump has to be implemented for the alignment of the pots.

Further Jamie reminded experiments to give feedback on some pending discussion items:

First thoughts on filling schemes (Christoph Schwick)

Christoph summarised the requirements and requests for the filling schemes used during the ramp-up. Candidate filling schemes have been produced and are available for scrutiny by the experiments on the LPC web site.

Witold Kozanecki proposed an improvement to the 49b schemes by placing the single colliding bunch in the middle of a gap between trains. This would be preferred for some studies.

Alexander Oh asked if it would be possible to increase the minimal bunch interval in the 12b scheme (currently 1us). This will be looked at by the LPC.

ATLAS comments to various topics (Alessandro Cerri)

Alessandro summarised comments on some topics in one slide. Besides items mentioned already above Alessandro said that ATLAS would need a fill with large bunch spacing in order to study afterglow effects and for LAr pulse-shape studies.

Alessandro commented on the ideal conditions for ATLAS during the fill to study high pile-up:

ATLAS is working on the evaluation of the maximal tolerable pile-up density.